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Build Your Own Spacecraft

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Patrons learn about the basic parts of a satellite by crafting their own model using found materials. Turn this into a "Take & Make" activity by providing bags with materials (small boxes, sponges, craft sticks, screws) and a printed diagram of a satellite with the basic parts labeled.

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Hints for uses in your library "Take & Make" tip: include pictures of a finished craft satellite so kids can see some examples.
Related Links Science and Technology
Space Launch System
How Does NASA Communicate with Spacecraft?
NASA's Eyes
Originating Source NASA Space Place
Related Books
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Satellites by Ron Miller
Satellites: Exploring Space by David Baker
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Build Your Own Spacecraft

Build Your Own Spacecraft

Patrons learn about the basic parts of a satellite by crafting their own model using found materials. Turn this into a "Take & Make" activity by providing bags with materials (small boxes, sponges, craft sticks, screws) and a printed diagram of a satellite with the basic parts labeled.