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Walk the Talk

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Act silly and walk across a room like a specific animal! This collaborative group activity allows children to see the world from a new perspective, which can spark creativity.

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Hints for uses in your library Use complex language with children. During story times, use unfamiliar words to describe the setting of the book or what the character is doing, eating, etc. For this activity, add a descriptive adjective to each animal, such as clumsy, serious, or busy. For example, a clumsy crab. Try to match both the physical animal and its personality as you act it out.
Related Links For more tips to use in library settings, visit the Reimaginging School Readiness Toolkit website and read Promising Practicies: A Guide for Library Staff:
Originating Source This activity was contributed by the Center for Childhood Creativity at the Bay Area Discovery Museum. For more information and resources see CenterforChildhoodCreativity.org.
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Walk the Talk

Walk the Talk

Act silly and walk across a room like a specific animal! This collaborative group activity allows children to see the world from a new perspective, which can spark creativity.