What If? Animals! View larger

What If? Animals!

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Imagine a new creature, and use natural outdoor materials and clay to bring it to life! In this group activity, children flex their creative thinking and storytelling skills to create an animal and share it with others. Creating imaginary worlds can be predictive of creative potential.

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Hints for uses in your library Document the story about your creature by writing it down. Share the story with a friend.
Originating Source This activity was contributed by the Center for Childhood Creativity at the Bay Area Discovery Museum. For more information and resources see CenterforChildhoodCreativity.org.
Related Books
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Imaginary Companions and the Children Who Create Them by Marjorie Taylor


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What If? Animals!

What If? Animals!

Imagine a new creature, and use natural outdoor materials and clay to bring it to life! In this group activity, children flex their creative thinking and storytelling skills to create an animal and share it with others. Creating imaginary worlds can be predictive of creative potential.