Patrons design an investigation to learn about how our bodies use internal and external cues to balance 0
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Patrons investigate how different exercises affects how hard our hearts work and learn about keeping a healthy heart. They also get to make their own stethoscope to take home! 0
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How good are you at multitasking? Scientists disagree over whether or not our brain is effective at doing many tasks at once. This activity tests your brain's ability to do more than one thing at a time 0
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Patrons learn about different minerals we use for products and make their very own, homemade toothpaste! 0
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Build a take-home model of a lung, airway, and diaphragm using common materials. 0
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Citizen science enables people from all walks of life to advance scientific research! Find projects that match your community's interest, collect data from your local area, and engage in citizen science using SciStarter resources! 0
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In this conversational activity, patrons compare different household products that contain nanoparticles in their ingredients and discuss the risks and benefits of each product. 0
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La buena nutrición es una parte esencial para mantener un estilo de vida saludable. Los nutrientes proveen energía y son los elementos esenciales que nuestros cuerpos necesitan para funcionar. Aprender a hacer elecciones saludables respecto de los alimentos es una habilidad importante para toda la vida. 0
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A algunas personas les gusta el brócoli, otras lo detestan. ¡Debe haber una razón científica! Las verduras crucíferas contienen compuestos amargos llamados glucosinolatos. Ciertos genes humanos determinan si una persona puede degustar este amargor. Para probar esto, los científicos usan la PTC (feniltiocarbamida), un compuesto artificial similar a los... 0
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