Excursión al Aire Libre (Going Outdoors) Photo Credit: Cade Martin, Dawn Arlotta, USCDC  via pixnio View larger

Excursión al Aire Libre (Going Outdoors)

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¡Fuera! ¡Usa los sentidos para hacer observaciones! ¿Qué oyes, ves, hueles, sientes?

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Add a Tech Twist Optional: To get help identifying and recording the plants and animals you see, you can download and use an app, such as iNaturalist
Hints for uses in your library When exploring outdoors, be sure to go over any safety considerations with your patrons such as crossing the road, using sunscreen, and proper clothing and footwear.
Related Links Exploring the Outdoors Scavenger Hunt
NASA Space Place: Earth
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Related Books
[Suggest a book]
Keeping a Nature Journal: Discover a Whole New Way of Seeing the World Around You by Clare Walker Leslie and Charles Edmund Roth
Little Kids First Big Book of Birds by Catherine D Hughes
Birds, Nests, and Eggs by Mel Boring and Linda Garrow
Bird Guide of North America: The Best Birding Book for Kids from National Geographic's Bird Experts


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Excursión al Aire Libre (Going Outdoors)

Excursión al Aire Libre (Going Outdoors)

¡Fuera! ¡Usa los sentidos para hacer observaciones! ¿Qué oyes, ves, hueles, sientes?