Wind, Water or Crater Impacts? View larger

Wind, Water or Crater Impacts?

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Patrons model the effects of wind, water, and impacts on a planetary surface using sand. They will compare the surface features they modeled with images of planetary surfaces to see if they can determine which process caused the features in the images.

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Hints for uses in your library This activity is designed as individual stations that patrons rotate through for a long activity. Consider breaking it up into smaller activities by doing a station a day/week at story time, or as part of any other sensory activity program you conduct.
Related Links Station activities are from the Mars and Earth Science Learning Activities for Afterschool Resource Guide, a NASA product created by the American Museum of Natural History.
Kid Moon: Splat!
Shaping the Planets: Impact Cratering
Why Does the Moon Have Craters?
Lunar Craters
National Geographic Resource Library: Encyclopedia Entry - Crater
Ready, Jet, Go
Science! Kids Moon Craters
How to Make a Crater
Astronomy Activity: Craters on the Earth and Moon
Make Craters with Mini-Meteors - by Scientific American
The Moon: Crash Course Astronomy #12
Studying How Craters are Made: The Planetary Impact Lab
Over (to) The Moon: Crash Course Kids #13.2
Originating Source LASP/Discover NASA
NGSS Standards Guide
A quick guide to crater identification
Paige Graff provided permission to modify the Blue Marble Matches lesson and use the image sets, created by the Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science (ARES) Education Program
Related Books
[Suggest a book]
21st century atlas of the Moon by Charles Arthur Wood and Maurice J S Collins
The moon's largest craters and basins : images and topographic maps from LRO, GRAIL, and Kaguya by Chuck Byrne
Sites of impact : meteorite craters around the world by Stan Gaz, Christian Koeberl and Robert B Silberman
Craters of the near side Moon by John Moore
Aerial geology : a high-altitude tour of North America's spectacular volcanoes, canyons, glaciers, lakes, craters, and peaks by Mary Caperton Morton


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Wind, Water or Crater Impacts?

Wind, Water or Crater Impacts?

Patrons model the effects of wind, water, and impacts on a planetary surface using sand. They will compare the surface features they modeled with images of planetary surfaces to see if they can determine which process caused the features in the images.