Living in a Bubble: Play with Magnets and Compasses View larger

Living in a Bubble: Play with Magnets and Compasses

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Use a bar magnet to make a model of Earth's magnetic field and sketch its shape!

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Hints for uses in your library Add an extra magnet and sketch the magnetic fields…have patrons compare results! This activity could also be done as a "station" along with other Sun-related activities: Tape the magnet to a large (poster-size) sheet of paper and have each participant add just one or more dots. Each participant only spends a few minutes on this activity, but everyone can see the results!
Related Links Magneto Mini Golf
NISE Network: Magnetic Fields Content Training Video
What is the Solar Cycle? Space Place in a Snap!
Is Earth's Magnetic Field Reversing?
Earth's Magnetic Field Vibrates Like a Drum
Earth's magnetic shield
Magnetic Field of the Earth
Originating Source L. Mayo, and Multiverse - UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab
Related Books
[Suggest a book]
What Makes a Magnet? by Franklyn M Branley, True Kelley and Carolyn Cinami DeCristofano
The New York Public Library incredible earth : a book of answers for kids by Ann-Jeanette Campbell
Gravitational, Electric, and Magnetic Forces: An Anthology of Current Thought by L. C. Krysac
Magnets and Electricity (Super Science Activities Series) by Ruth Young
Magnets by Ed Catherall
Magnets by Anne Schreiber (Also available in Braille )


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Living in a Bubble: Play with Magnets and Compasses

Living in a Bubble: Play with Magnets and Compasses

Use a bar magnet to make a model of Earth's magnetic field and sketch its shape!