Investigate the Plastic Problem: Engineering for Good View larger

Investigate the Plastic Problem: Engineering for Good

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Patrons learn about how we use plastics and their impacts on the environment and create an inforgraphic to demonstrate their learning

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Add a Tech Twist Optional: Patrons can make their infographic using an online tool, such as Easel.y or Venngage
Hints for uses in your library This activity can be done as a part of the "Engineering for Good" series, which would be great for a teen or tween tech club that meets weekly
Related Links Engineering Design Process Illustration
The Engineering Design Process
NASA Engineering Design Process
The Reality of Plastic Video
Plastic: The Popular Pollutant
Originating Source PBS Learning Media
Related Books Suggest a book


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Investigate the Plastic Problem: Engineering for Good

Investigate the Plastic Problem: Engineering for Good

Patrons learn about how we use plastics and their impacts on the environment and create an inforgraphic to demonstrate their learning