Track the Flu! View larger

Track the Flu!

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Similar to the “Plague Fighters!” activity (but for an older audience), this activity has patrons trace the spread of the 1918 flu, and work on their graphing and data skills at the same time.

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Related Programming Resources

Hints for uses in your library Pair this activity with a flu shot clinic, or adapt it to first have kids create their own unique disease that they track!
Related Links Flu (for kids)
The Flu: Stop the Spread
Keep Flu Out of School Toolkit
Teaching Children About the Flu: Lesson Plans and Activities for Child Care and Early Childhood Programs
Family & Children Resources
Influenza (Flu) Seasonal Influenza Resource Center
Protect your family from the potentially serious danger of flu
Originating Source NOVA/PBS
Related Books
[Suggest a book]
Bill Nye the Science Guy's great big book of tiny germs by Bill Nye, Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld and Bryn Barnard
Sid the science kid : the trouble with germs by Jennifer Frantz
Cutie Sue fights the germs by Kate Melton and Ira Baykovska
Germs are not for sharing = Los gérmenes no son para compartir by Elizabeth Verdick and Marieka Heinlen
Farm Flu by Teresa Bateman
Ahchoo! : Lion's got the flu by Hagino Chinatsu and Annie Kung
The bug flu by David Kirk
Dragons get colds too by Rebecca Roan and Charles Santoso
Sherm the Germ by John Hutton


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Track the Flu!

Track the Flu!

Similar to the “Plague Fighters!” activity (but for an older audience), this activity has patrons trace the spread of the 1918 flu, and work on their graphing and data skills at the same time.