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The Making of a Doctor

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Patrons review the Hippocratic Oath, and decide if it still stands up in modern times. 

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Hints for uses in your library If you don’t have access to the recommended viewing, show clips from doctor’s shows along with this activity and have your patrons decide if TV and movie doctors are violating the oath! This is very engaging for teens who may otherwise skip the activity!
Related Links How High School Students Should Prepare for a Medical Career
Seven Things Teens Who Want to Work in Medicine Should Do Before College
The Hippocratic Oath Today
Is the Hippocratic oath still relevant to practicing doctors today?
The Physician's Oath: Historical Perspectives
First, do no harm
Modern Hippocratic Oath holds the underlying values of medicine in a digital world
Teens Health
Adolescent Health
The Need For A New Hippocratic Oath - The Medical Futurist
A Hippocratic Oath for health tech entrepreneurs: Stacie Vilendrer at TEDxStanford
AAH Hippocratic Oath
Bedside Rounds: Episode 13: The Oath
Originating Source NOVA/PBS
Related Books
[Suggest a book]
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Hippocrates' oath and Asclepius' snake : the birth of the medical profession by T A Cavanaugh
Hippocratic oath or hypocrisy? : doctors at crossroads by Anita Bakshi
Bad medicine : doctors doing harm since Hippocrates by David Wootton
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So you want to be a doctor? by Niriksha Malladi
Do no harm : stories of life, death, and brain surgery by Henry Marsh
This Is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Medical Resident by Adam Kay


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The Making of a Doctor

The Making of a Doctor

Patrons review the Hippocratic Oath, and decide if it still stands up in modern times.