Learners will explore aspects of the Sun and solar activity by modeling them as solar cupcakes. 0
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Learners will use candy pieces and a cookie to make an accurate model of the Sun that they can eat. 2920
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In this activity, participants use scaled cut-out models of the Sun and Earth to learn about the difference in size and distance between the two celestial bodies. 0
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This is an activity about how to model and label a solar eclipse. 0
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This is an activity exploring the concept that distance affects how we perceive an object's size, specifically pertaining to the size of the Sun and the Moon as seen from Earth. 0
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This NASA@ My Library Activity Guide will help library staff facilitate these sorting activities in large or small groups, with patrons from Pre-K to adult. 29595
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This is an activity about the Moon's influence on Earth. 4358
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This is an activity about the rotation of the Moon. Learners use a penny and a quarter to model that the Moon does indeed spin on its axis as it orbits the Earth. 2283
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Learners model how the Moon's volcanic period reshaped its earlier features. 0
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Learners use a polystyrene ball, sunlight, and the motions of their bodies to model the Moon's phases outdoors. 0
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Learners hear a story, song, or (silly or serious) poem that celebrates the Moon's different phases. 39865
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Learners will visit a sequence of stations to discover how the dark and light areas and craters we see on the Moon's face today record major events of its lifetime. 0
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