Learners explore taste, touch, smell, sound, and sight. The activity offers connections to the Wild Kratts TV show. 0
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Participants collect samples of particles in the air on adhesive tape then examine it under a microscope. 0
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Don't let the name fool you - this activity is open-ended and perfect for the library setting! Patrons collect specimens from around the classroom or school yard to examine under the microscope. They can collect virtually anything that they wish to see at the microscopic level. 1764
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In this suite of physical activities, patrons utilize the same body parts/systems as astronauts do in training and on missions in space. The activities may be used by individual students or delivered to an audience of students by educators 0
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This activity guides patrons through a scientific inquiry process where they investigate how ear shape affects hearing 0
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Patrons learn about how aquatic animals hear and how their ear structures are different than land animal ears by conducting a scientific inquiry investigation 0
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Patrons explore their senses and learn about the Wind Cave in the Black Hills and how it formed 0
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Patrons learn about the human brain by experiencing what happens to our reaction time when we are presented with multiple stimuli at the same time 0
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Why do some people like broccoli, while other people hate it? Patrons learn about how specific human genes determine if a person can taste bitter compounds in certain vegetables, and test to see if they have it by tasting PTC (phenylthiocarbamide). 0
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Patrons test their lung capacity and learn about how doctors use lung function tests to monitor people with asthma by blowing in a balloon and measuring the circumference 0
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Patrons investigate the nutritional health of their favorite foods and create their own healthy granola snack 0
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Patrons design an investigation to learn about how our bodies use internal and external cues to balance 0
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