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Locomotion Commotion

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Create a work of art using unconventional painting tools such as toy cars and wheels. Children dip toy cars and wheels into various colors of paint and roll them over a large sheet of white paper to create the base for the artwork. This activity helps children practice flexible thinking skills.

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Hints for uses in your library Create several small paintings and try to piece them together into a cohesive story. Share out during circle time.
Originating Source This activity was contributed by the New York Hall of Science. For more information and resources see Nysci.org. © New York Hall of Science.
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Locomotion Commotion

Locomotion Commotion

Create a work of art using unconventional painting tools such as toy cars and wheels. Children dip toy cars and wheels into various colors of paint and roll them over a large sheet of white paper to create the base for the artwork. This activity helps children practice flexible thinking skills.