Why do some people like broccoli, while other people hate it? Patrons learn about how specific human genes determine if a person can taste bitter compounds in certain vegetables, and test to see if they have it by tasting PTC (phenylthiocarbamide). 0
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Las máquinas nos ayudan a realizar el trabajo; algunas son complejas, con muchas partes movibles, y otras son sencillas. Las levas son un ejemplo de una máquina sencilla. Son como los engranajes, pero no tienen dientes y están diseñadas en muchas formas diferentes. 0
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Machines help us get work done; some are complex, with lots of moving parts, and others are simple. Cams are one example of a simple machine. They are like gears, but have no teeth and come in lots of different shapes. We use them to convert rotating motion (such as turning a crank) into back and forth motion (such as waving an arm). 0
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Un hábitat es el hogar o entorno natural de una planta, un animal u otro organismo. Un hábitat proporciona a un animal alimento, agua y un lugar para vivir. A veces los animales no pueden vivir en sus hábitats naturales, y los humanos deben construir hábitats para ellos. Para satisfacer las necesidades de los animales, las personas intentan imitar sus... 0
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Puedes utilizar cualquier cosa que conduzca electricidad para hacer un circuito eléctrico; cobre, grafito, fruta ¡e incluso plastilina! Agregar sal a la masa ayuda a que la electricidad se desplace por el material. Con energía suficiente, la corriente eléctrica puede encender los LED (diodos emisores de luz) y crear una criatura única. 0
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You can use anything that conducts electricity to make an electrical circuit—copper, pencil lead, fruit, even play dough! Adding salt to the dough helps electricity move through the material. With enough power, the electrical current can light LEDs and sound a buzzer! 0
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Patrons use a candle, dish, water, and a drinking glass to experiment how a flame interacts with oxygen to create low and high pressure systems. 0
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Patrons use a candle, dish, water, and a drinking glass to experiment how a flame interacts with oxygen to create low and high pressure systems. 0
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In these two activities, patrons explore color by mixing food coloring and exploring what happens when you shine light through water. 0
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In these two activities, patrons explore color by mixing food coloring and exploring what happens when you shine light through water. 0
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Have fun with bubbles and explore at home! Patrons of all ages will love experimenting with bubbles! This activity is best done outside for easy cleanup. 0
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