Patrons learn how geologists study the composition of Earth's interior by modeling core sampling techniques with cupcakes! 0
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Patrons simulate the geological process of dating the age of rocks by observing microwave popcorn. 0
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Patrons gather supplies they would need to survive after a natural disaster hits, and assemble them into kits 0
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Patrons learn about Earth's magnetic field and the animals that use magnetic homing (detecting patterns in Earth's magnetic field to find their way over long distances) by creating a "turtle" and a magnetic map of its habitat. 0
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Patrons learn about how different types of soil have different capacities for retaining water, and some can result in flooding problems, by testing three different soil samples (sand, potting soil, and clay) 0
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Patrons discover how fossils are formed by creating their own fossils out of bread and gummy candy fish 0
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In this role playing activity, patrons learn about river habitats and the effects of pollution on river animals 0
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This activity demonstrates how glacial movement carves the landscape and leaves behind evidence such as moraines, erratics, and U-shaped valleys 0
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Patrons use water and food coloring to create a solution to learn about the dissolved chemicals and mixture of gases in Earth's atmosphere 0
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Citizen science enables people from all walks of life to advance scientific research! Find projects that match your community's interest, collect data from your local area, and engage in citizen science using SciStarter resources! 0
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This citizen science toolkit of resources and activities will support your library in mapping and collecting data about mosquito habitats in your area. 0
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This citizen science toolkit provides resources and activities for collecting data and learning about how different types of land cover could increase a community's risk of natural disasters, such as flooding. 0
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